Journeys over Gear – Initial Thoughts

by Andy Amick

Over the last two months, I’ve been writing more about my Tour Divide race experience with the idea of possibly turning it into a book. As I go through the days, the lessons I learned, and the people I met along the way, I’m reminded of just how amazing the journey turned out to be. […]

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Guest Post- The Trashcan Major Crash

by Andy Amick

This is a guest post from my 8 year old son who had a little “issue” with a trashcan on a bike ride a few weeks ago. These are his words and his chosen title. My only assistance was with formatting. At first I thought he needed to write more, but after reading it, I […]

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Emerging From The Motivation Haze

by Andy Amick

The picture above is a great representation of the Motivation Haze. It was taken on Day 2 of the 2014 Tour Divide as I was riding through the Canadian Flathead Valley. The beauty of the mountains and trees are there, just behind the foggy haze. Ever since the Tour Divide, my motivation to get out on […]

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Anatomy Of A Bikepacking Gear Setup

by Andy Amick

For any bikepacking endeavor, especially for multi-day rides, where to place gear on the bike becomes a task that can consume a lot of time. What items need to be easily accessible? What items should be packed together? Can everything fit on the bike so the backpack can be left behind? These are just a […]

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Guidepost: Strava

by Andy Amick

This is the second in the “Guidepost” series. The first post described using Instagram as a guide for our personal journeys. In this post, Strava is discussed as a more focused guidepost that can keep us on our trail towards a specific goal. Yes, I realize the issues with using a social media site like Strava or Instagram as […]

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Guidepost: Instagram

by Andy Amick

Yes, I realize the issues with using a social media site like Instagram as a personal guidepost. After all, social media is about likes, comments, expanding your reach, and going viral, right? Stick with me for a bit and let me explain how I’m proposing to use Instagram as a useful tool for our personal […]

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3 Ways To Enjoy Bikepacking With Kids

by Andy Amick

When talking of bikepacking, I think it was Paul Revere that said “one if by tag-a-long, two if by trailer”. Well, maybe not, but that’s a good strategy for sharing the world of bikepacking with young kids. My kids and I have been bikepacking together since they were three years old. The trips have been single […]

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Tour Divide Town And Re-supply Reference Notes

by Andy Amick

Being a planner and data geek, I developed my own notes for my 2014 Tour Divide ride. These notes were stored on my phone for easy reference throughout the ride. This allowed me to easily see what was coming up in the next town and how far away re-supply stops would be. If you’re a […]

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Tour Divide Days 21-24 : Pie Town, Mud, and The Finish!

by Andy Amick

This is my final report on the 2014 Tour Divide race.  For those of you that have been following along, thanks for slogging through the long posts.  I plan on writing more about what worked, what I would change, and how I planned my days during the ride in future posts.  Hopefully, my write-ups have […]

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Tour Divide Days 19-21 : Frustration, Fires, and Hail

by Andy Amick

After spending the night in our dirty hotel, Brian, Ken, and I left Del Norte early on Day 19.  The next real town was 190 miles away in New Mexico.  With only very limited supplies in those next 190 miles, I made sure I got coffee that morning.  I was not leaving until lots of coffee […]

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