What Drives Pale Spruce?

by Andy Amick on January 13, 2013

in Personal

The guys at ThinkTraffic are giving away an incredible package of mentorship for a year and lifetime access to their training site Fizzle.  Other posts have outlined my personal goofiness and how it directs me, but this entry in the giveaway gives me the opportunity to describe my vision for Pale Spruce.

Early in my software development career, two mentors guided my growth by helping me use my unique skills to become a better developer.  Having an opportunity like that for Pale Spruce would be just as instrumental in its growth.

Create + Share = Help

This formula is both my personal and business driver. From designing software which makes businesses more efficient to now creating cycling safety kits, turning ideas into something that helps people solve a problem has always driven me. Knowledge is not power until it’s shared with others.

Another driver is showing my kids how hard work and integrity can lead to great things.  Transforming Pale Spruce into a full time business based on my core beliefs would be a huge success.  Doing it while also showing my kids that they too can follow their passion would be a dream come true.

The Future Pale Spruce

Helping cyclists be prepared when they ride was the reason for starting Pale Spruce.  That hasn’t changed, however, over the last year I have noticed myself writing such things as:

Take some time to step back from the day to day chaos.  Reflect on the beauty nature provides us and the wonderful people we get to share that with


Get on your bike, ride, and have fun doing it. That’s it. […] Forget about what you look like. Focus on the adventures you’ll have and friends you’ll meet rather than getting the latest components.

The final piece that triggered a new direction I’m calling the “Path to Less” was my mom’s heart bypass surgery in December.  That’s when I realized that I want to help people achieve a healthy and balanced life that allows them to enjoy the outdoors more often.

How does this vision become reality?  By using my son’s “i got this” approach and not letting anything stop me.  Be bold.  Be fearless like a 5 year old and forget about what other people might think.  Sharing this path and helping others get out there is more important than letting the fear or uncertainty take control.

Share it Back

Whether or not I’m selected for mentorship with Think Traffic, thinking through this post has given me a much clearer direction for where Pale Spruce is headed.  Maybe that’s what they were hoping a lot of us would learn from our entries.

I also know that should I win, I will be sharing the incredible opportunity with readers by doing a series of my own giveaways that include cycling safety kits and even my own singlespeed road bike creation!  Hey, if I’m going down the path to less, I should be an example of turning less into more.

Thanks again to ThinkTraffic for inspiring and helping many of us pursue our dreams.

About Andy Amick
A little bit nutty in general, a lotta bit nutty about bikes. Each of his boys received a bike helmet for their first birthday and the three of them have been biking together ever since.

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