Happy Friday – Links From The Week

by Andy Amick on August 10, 2012

in Camping

links for family camping, bear bags, and living your workHappy Friday!  Hopefully it has been a great week.  This will be the first weekend since July 4th where we won’t be camping in some fashion.  Each of the weeks was a different type of camping but all 4 were excellent family trips.  And by the way, we had a great time “camping” in the yurt.  If you have considered staying in a yurt before but haven’t done it yet, you should.


Now, on to the sites and articles for this week that may be of interest to you.  This week’s edition has family camping, bear bags, and trying to find that “work” that is your life’s mission. Follow all of the articles and you could find yourself living your outdoor dreams with your kids and being safe from bears. Not a bad way to live, if you ask me.


Family Adventures in the Canadian Rockies – Family Camping Super Guide – This is a collection of camping with kids articles and they cover topics from backyard camping, camping with infants, making a hammock, to potty training while camping.  If for no other reason, check out the facial expression on the picture of the kid potty training in front of the tent.  It cracks me up and you can tell the kids is not the happiest at that moment.


Tales Of A Mountain Mama – For the Love of Dirt:  How & Why to Get Your Kids Outside – This is a guest post from a reader that’s not an “outdoor type” but she still wants to get her kids outside.  She mentions that nature is inspiring, kid’s innate sense of wonder,  exploring your own backyard, berry picking, and even bird watching.  All of these are good ideas to keep in mind if you’re not the super outdoorsy type.  The ideas are also good for those periods where you can’t get “out” to the wild outdoors, but still want to be outside with your kids.


Backpacking Light – Bear Bag Hanging Techniques – This article sums up several bear bagging techniques.  I like how the describe the most common technique – “Repeat Step 7 until the rope is successfully hung over the tree. This could take several hours, so have your headlamp ready, and maybe your cooking supplies, so you can take a dinner break.”  It goes on from there to describe the counterbalance method and the PCT method.


Grizzly Adam – Live Your Work – Here is your thought provoking and inspirational link of the week.  So grab a cup of coffee, relax, and enjoy the read.  See if you can find that place where it’s not a job, it’s your life’s work.

About Andy Amick
A little bit nutty in general, a lotta bit nutty about bikes. Each of his boys received a bike helmet for their first birthday and the three of them have been biking together ever since.

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