A Dream Worth Living

by Andy Amick on April 5, 2017

in Tour Divide 2014, Writing


The book is now available in Kindle format at Amazon.com. It’s only $0.99 for the first two weeks.

Stay tuned for updates about the paperback release in late April. In the meantime, if you’re so inclined to buy and read the book, thank you. Thank you very much.

andy amick book

After writing over 80,000 words for the book, I struggled with the words to announce the launch. So, I might as well start with my favorite photo (sunset over Brazos Ridge in New Mexico) and quote (sent by my friend Brion on day 5) from the Tour Divide.

Tommy Lasorda determination

Whether you are a casual blog reader, cycling friend, my mom who bought the first copy of the book (thanks Mom!), someone who bought a safety kit, or someone who mistakenly signed up to receive posts via email, I appreciate what you’ve contributed to my journey into becoming an author. I guess I have to call myself that now. As if I wasn’t weird enough already.

When I look back over the last three years and even deeper into my past, I never thought it would involve writing. But I’m so grateful for the chance I’ve had to share my journey with you via Pale Spruce and the book. Hopefully, the book is entertaining and also inspiring at the same time.

About Andy Amick
A little bit nutty in general, a lotta bit nutty about bikes. Each of his boys received a bike helmet for their first birthday and the three of them have been biking together ever since.

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