Finding ways to live simply so that you can put more time and energy into wherever you find joy in life. That’s what the monthly “Path To Less” posts are about.
It’s Thanksgiving and I hope everyone is set to enjoy some down time with friends and family. Whether that includes some time outdoors or lots of food and football, it’s the friends and family that count.
One Thankful Stranger – Organic Sister – A great story from Tara that reminds us that we don’t know what others are going through when our paths cross. If we can be less judgmental and treat them kindly, it almost always out better for everyone.
If You Shop On Thanksgiving – The Matt Walsh Blog – Capitalism is great, but some things are greater. Family is greater. But you COULD wait until Friday, couldn’t you? And if you did wait until Friday, and if everyone waited until Friday, no store would ever open on Thanksgiving again, right?
12 Simple Strategies to Create Space – Becoming Minimalist – A list of techniques to create some downtime during busy days. The first one mentioned is “take a nap” and who doesn’t enjoy a quick nap to recharge?
Get Rich With The Position of Strength – Mr. Money Mustache – No, this isn’t some get rich article. It’s about putting yourself in a position of strength, or as Mr. Money calls it – Badassity, so that you can life your life the way you want to live instead of some fantasy land marketers dream up.
18 Things Everyone Should Start Making Time For Again – Thought Catalog – A nice list of ways we can slow down to enjoy our surroundings (both people and places).
The Mayonnaise Jar– Budgets Are Sexy – A story about paying the most attention to the things that matter most. I’ve seen the story in several forms, but never the version with coffee added. And coffee makes everything better!
Picture of the month
A mild November afternoon involving bike riding and watching my kids ride up the “big” hill into the sunshine. Big brother even let little brother lead the way (at least for a short distance).
Final Thoughts
To everyone that reads this blog, has purchased a product, or just looked at my crazy ideas, thank you. Thank you for stopping by this little dot on the ginormous internet map.
Small Business Saturday is this week on November 30th. Hold off on that Black Friday shopping and visit some small businesses on Saturday instead. We small business owners would be very thankful for that.