TD14: Day 2 & Day 3

by Andy Amick on June 17, 2014

in Bikepacking, Dreams, Personal, Tour Divide 2014

Tour Divide 2014 guest post by Kristi.

Hello out there! Well, as I am posting this update it is Tuesday 17 June, or Day 5 of the Tour Divide. My hope was to have updates for you on Andy’s progress from Day 2 through Day 4. However, while I know his Day 4 distance from following his “spot” online, he has not been in range to do any picture updates. Maybe he doesn’t have any pictures, I’m not sure. But I will hold the “official” Pale Spruce Day 4 update back until he’s in communication again. If I know Andy, he’s taken some kind of pictures. After all,

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and take a look around once in a while, you could miss it.

I will say that today, Day 5, Andy’s progress has been slow. He is riding through a winter storm and hasn’t been able to put the miles in that he was hoping for before the race began. So send warm thoughts his way today. He’d probably enjoy some hot coffee as well.

Until we meet again. Allons-y!

Tour Divide Day 2: Elkford to Eureka, Montana
159 miles
14 June 2014

He stopped earlier than he planned on in Day 1, and Andy was determined to make it through Canada today and across the border. The start of the race has been tough: snow, mud, rain. It sounds like he has spent most of the first three days wet. He got up at 5 am, and didn’t stop for the day until 1 am the next morning when he reached Eureka, 159 miles later. Of course the hotel was full, but they let him and some other riders sleep in the lobby for a few hours. Not exactly the night of comfort he was hoping for, but he was dry and grateful for that.

1. Listen to Andy’s call in from Eureka

2. “Tour divide day 2 – yes that is the trail on the descent down Flathead pass #tourdivide”

Tour Divide Day 3: Eureka to Whitefish
98 miles
15 June 2014

Andy was hoping to make it a bit further to Columbia Falls, but decided he needed to rest for the night in Whitefish instead. Still went an impressive 98 miles for the day. The rain and mud continued into today. This time he did get a hotel room, and was happy to get a warm shower and sleep in a bed.

1. Listen to Andy’s call in from Whitefish

2. “Tour Divide day 3 – only non blurry picture of the day was of Whitefish lake at the end of the day #tourdivide”

About Andy Amick
A little bit nutty in general, a lotta bit nutty about bikes. Each of his boys received a bike helmet for their first birthday and the three of them have been biking together ever since.

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