The Challenge
For the month of January, the original challenge is to run 28 miles, but as a friend from college always says “Go big or go home” so I’m going big, well bigger. The 28 miles will remain the goal, but that goal is now for the final week of January rather than the entire month. With my luck, that will be with 10 degree temps and snow on 4 of the 7 days. But that is the challenge and I’ll live with it.
On to last week’s results.
Week 2 – He’s going the distance
The plan for week 2 was to get in more runs and longer runs. The knees felt much better this week and I was able to complete my longest run so far – a whopping 6.2 miles. Only 20 more miles to get to a marathon distance. I don’t see how this whole marathon thing can be so hard 🙂
Last week, there were several runs in temps just above freezing. Cold weather running is actually quite pleasant and much easier to dress for than cold weather riding. Adding a wind shirt, lightweight gloves, and a beanie made the cold runs quite toasty.
Runs during the week – 4
Weekly mileage – 18.7 miles
Total January mileage – 25.3 miles
Overall Feeling
The week ahead
Overall, the first two weeks have gone well, but week 3 will be less intense. Because the fourth week is going to be a big week, I’m going to cut back on the runs for week 3 and maybe even fit in a bike ride or two.